
We have an epoxy powder painting system, which guarantees high production flexibility in compliance with the most recent anti-pollution regulations, production efficienty and high quality standard.


The painting plant allows to obtain a resistance of the product color against the salt spray up to 500 hours for steel and up to 600 hours for stainless steel and aluminium.



Technical aspects of the new system:


the washing tunnel has 5 stages: degreasing / 1st wash / 2nd wash / 3rd wash with demi water and finally the ‘Lineguard APNR’ passivation stage with the addition of a nanotechnology-based coating.
The drying oven has a heat exchanger powered by an air vein burner.
The polymerization oven has direct exchange heating and 100% efficiency, and has a humidity, ventilation and temperature uniformity control system along the entire length.
Construction materials: AISI 304 and AISI 316 stainless steel and insulation with 100kg/m3 rock wool, 100mm thick, for the drying tunnel, and 100kg/m3.200mm thick, for the polymerization tunnel.
PLC control system of the different plant components and tunnels.
The interconnection of the painting plant to the factory IT systems allows bidirectional data exchange.


The new powder coating system allows you to obtain:
a very high quality of painting: homogeneity of the painting, reduction of the risk of dust pollution, reduction of the risk of color change;
long duration of paint adhesion;
resistance to salt spray (up to 500 hours for steel and 600 hours for stainless steel or aluminium, through the use of the nanotechnology station).


The new system is particularly attentive to energy saving, both in terms of consumption of methane gas and electricity


Paintable materials: steel, stainless steel, aluminum and other metals and metal alloys.
Paintable pieces dimensions: H1800xLu1000xLa700

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